CST 2012 SP6更新說(shuō)明
CST 2012 SP6已經(jīng)在9月29日發(fā)布,更新如下:
Service Pack 2012.06
General / Environment / Visualization
Made field plot phase animation more consistent.
Improved stability when editing transformed objects.
GPU Computing
Added support for NVIDIA Quadro 6000.
Added 297.03 and 295.73 to the list of verified NVIDIA drivers.
Corrected inconsistent behavior of magnetic conductivity defined together with a dispersive epsilon material.
Fixed issue during adaptive port mesh refinement in combination with magnetic higher order dispersive materials.
Corrected time measurement for adaptive port mesh refinement.
Fixed online AR-Filters early convergence for excitations on multiple modes.
CST MICROWAVE STUDIO - Frequency Domain (FD) Solvers
With inhomogeneous single ended ports and many samples, the general purpose tetrahedral FD solver sometimes terminated abnormally.
Calculate fields at axis marker now uses the fast resonant solver with Run after adaptive mesh refinement if applicable activated.
The frequency domain solver with curved tetrahedral mesh and waveguide ports rarely may have displayed an error message concerning periodic ports not being supported even without periodic boundaries.
With frequency distributed computing or a continued solver run, and curved model edges in the waveguide ports, the general purpose tetrahedral FD solver using the new port mode solver possibly had calculated inaccurate results.
CST MICROWAVE STUDIO - Asymptotic Solver
Fixed numerical comparison problem with farfield sources for asymptotic solver.
Repaired incorrect scaling of field sources (wrong directivity if amplitude != 1).
2DTL: Ground pins are excluded from top circuit, now. Performance has been increased concerning solder mask approximation.
Fixed incorrect layout check result.
On some boards the route between power supply and some IO-pins could not be found in IRDrop simulation.
Now always the original terminal name is used in the 3D Mesh.
Fixed manual synchronization of 3D and schematic parameters via VBA or block dialog box.
Improved the keyboard navigation in the excitation list in AC- and OP Task dialog boxes by using of TAB and
Repaired scaling of imported ASCII signals in transient tasks.
Result template Voltage drop from Z-parameter: fixed interpretation of input data.
Avoided to initialize unnecessary extra storage for DS blocks.